What is the scope of the conference ?

Final program here

Stroke is a main cause of long-term disability in the world, impacting on both motor and cognitive functioning. Current rehabilitative strategies, including recent neuro-technology techniques, are promising but lead still to heterogenous none satisfactory results. Our motivation is to gather world leading experts to discuss current challenges and new directions in the field of stroke recovery. The conference will focus on innovative neurotechnology-based approaches and tailored approaches to understand and promote stroke recovery.

Main topics of interest

The scope is to share and discuss recent work on (1) longitudinal, multi-domain, and/or multi-modal neuroimaging focused on brain connectomics in the view of mechanistic understanding and patients’ stratification, (2) proof-of-principles studies promoting personalized innovative neurotechnology-based interventional strategies to enhance recovery, and 3) novel, disruptive neuro-technologies based on (invasive and non-invasive) neuromodulation of novel targets such as deep brain structures or the spinal cord.

Structure of the conference

The purpose of the conference is a compact event allowing to promote meaningful interactions and discussions between attendees. Our program includes sessions of thematically invited talks featuring renowned speakers, and shorts talks sessions, as well as a poster session selected from the call for abstracts.

We will feature four thematic sessions dedicated to invited talks from esteemed experts in the field. Click to discover our list of confirmed speakers!

Three sessions will be dedicated to selected talks for our call for abstracts. Check our guidelines for abstract submission!

A two-hour poster session will be organised at the end of the first day of the conference. Join us and be actively part of the event!


Join us for a conference social event on the first evening to network and connect with fellow attendees in a relaxed and engaging atmosphere.